Sunday, September 13, 2009

He's gone!!!

I got my son away from the house! Yay!!!! Soon I'll go upstairs and work. He went to the Texans football game. If he get's pictures I'll be sure to post them. Here's a picture of my baby and his last girlfriend! Okay so he's not a baby....he'll be 17 in Dec.

Anyway, nice to have the house to myself. Hopefully, he'll be gone all day. Ahhhh! This is the life!

Monday, September 7, 2009


What have I been working on. The Silver Mirror Mirror leather pillow covers in the picture. With craft shows, you have to have plenty of inventory, even if you may not sell much, so that's what I've been doing for the past two weeks. Increasing inventory. So I actually made two of these. What do you think? Big sellers in New York!!!!

Love What I Do

A few weeks ago, a major company (2nd largest in the world) told me that I was going to be laid off at the end of the year. Yes, I was upset, but only for about 20 mins. I had been given my date. It was now official. They had no more use for me. Well like anyone, I sat down and thought about it and 20 mins later, I didn't have anymore use for them. Here was my one shot chance to break free from corporate America and do what I love.

So I've been piecing together my plans to open my own business. This really has been a step by step process. I mean the getting from point A to point B. I knew where I would be come Jan 1, 2010 (short of dying), that's point A. So I had to figure out where the hell is point B? You gotta know where you'd like to go before you can get there. Figuring this out didn't happen overnight. I had to ask myself, what do I want to do with my business? Did I want to just create leather goods in my workroom? Yes? No? Who do I want to sell them to? Can I make this plan bigger? So my plan went from doing craft shows at the beginning of the year, just to pay the bills, to doing trade shows a year later.

I'm at the very beginning of the journey from point A to point B. My very first craft show (in over 12 years) is one month away. Let's just call it a baby craft show. It's at a church. Tables were cheap. I decided to give it a try. Needless to say, this has lead to how I'm going to pull off the larger ones from January onward. It's like a practice run. Already I can see, I'm not going to be nearly as ready or as polished up as I plan to be in January. No money for it right now. But that's okay. I have a plan and damn if I don't love what I do!